Tech Listens: Fostering Connections in the Creative Community

April 25, 2024

At Symph, we believe that by bringing communities together, we can create a stronger and more vibrant ecosystem for innovation and growth. That’s why we made Tech Listens, an initiative in Symph where we meet with different communities. Our goal is to create a space where communities could gather and share their stories, experiences, and struggles.

With this, we launched our very first TechListens event called Creatives Hangout last Saturday at The Company. This mixer brought together the creative community for an evening of inspiration, motivation, and networking. Around 20 creatives joined us which allowed for more intimate conversations and connections to be made.

We had a designer, a marketing expert, and a cartoonist talk in front and were asked different questions in relation to how they started, their creative process, overcoming burnout and more. They also shared their stories, where fellow creatives in the audience could relate to their journeys. But our conversations didn't stop there. Our audience members also had the opportunity to share their thoughts and experiences in the creative industry. It was truly inspiring to see our creative community come together in such a meaningful way. 

We are looking forward to hosting more gatherings throughout the year! Our mission is to cater to various communities and provide a platform for people to connect, share ideas, and grow together. So, stay tuned for more information on upcoming events and opportunities for collaboration.

Special thanks to The Company CEBU for being our venue partner. We look forward to seeing you at our next Tech Listens event!

By the way, we made this blog using one of Symph’s AI tools Prompeteer 😉. Give it a try!