This app can solve your branch management problems

April 25, 2024

The problem

Running a restaurant or cafe business is one thing, and running that business with multiple branches is certainly on another level.

When you run a restaurant/cafe business, it is important to get a hold of everything that goes with it— making sure all your branches provide high customer service quality, tracking the feedback of your customers’ experiences with each branch, and even ensuring that maintenance issues in all the branches are being fixed as soon as possible.

We have observed this struggle in some of our clients who run multibranched businesses: It takes too much time and effort to manually check and make sure all your branches are delivering the quality service your brand promises. All this time and effort micromanaging could have been dedicated to more top-level strategizing.

The Solution

Because we’ve always believed technology can be harnessed to solve business problems, that is exactly what we did. We built Branchify, a branch management system for food and beverage businesses.

Branchify allows management to track all its branches in terms of Audit, Maintenance, and Feedback.


Growth inevitably introduces problems and since ensuring quality across all your branches is vital, Branchify allows you to monitor all of your branches’ performance for the quality metrics that matter to your industry.

Branchify allows you to monitor all of your branches’ performance for the quality metrics that matter to your industry.

You can track performance trends over time and compare branches to ensure that your business is delivering the quality your brand is known for.


The list of things to fix in one branch location is challenging enough, and as you’ve scaled to 10 it can easily set your hair on fire, not to mention how your customer might feel when things are broken.

Branchify allows you to track all maintenance requests from all of your branches and gives you visibility into the status of the issues and the control to get things done.


You aren’t a single branch kind of operation anymore, and your customers won’t be able to just walk up and give you feedback.

Branchify helps you stay connected with your customers by tracking of all of your customer’s feedback to assess branch performances.

Set up a feedback form and use QR codes in your branches for your customers to use. Visualize this data on the leaderboard that ranks all your branches according to their feedback scores.

At present, Branchify has been solving branch problems at Red Lizard, Tavolata, the Abaca Baking Company, Phat Pho, Luncheonette, Maya, and Abaca Boutique Resort.

With Branchify, you now have more control over your growing businesses at your fingertips.

Schedule a demo for Branchify today!